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This is a list of all the guilds in Islands of Myth

AbjurerAbysmal lordAcrobatAdept of the stonesAdept of water
Air mageAnimal healerAnimal tamerAnimal trainerAssassin
Beast lordBerserkerBestial seccedaneumBlacksmithBlade dancer
Blood brotherBone mageBrother of fireBrotherhood of boltsCauldron magic
Champion of the crownChanter of deep earthConfessorCovenant of eveCrane master
Defender of the crownDisciple of shadowDragon lordDragon masterDragonfist fighter
DreadlordDruidEarth conjurorEarth mageElder of mordulak
ElementalEmbalmerEnchanterEvokerEvoker of acid
Evoker of elementsEvoker of etherEvoker of flamesEvoker of forceEvoker of ice
Evoker of lightningEvoker of magicEvoker of poisonEvoker of vacuumExorcist
Fire mageFloggerGleemanGrand summonerGuardians
Harbinger of anguishHarmerHealerHeavenly seerHerbalist
High priestHigh summonerIce discipleIrriflettaJuggler
KnightLava mageLords of undeathLurkerMagical torturer
Martial artistMartyrMaster abjurerMaster assassinMaster enchanter
Master navigatorsMaster of disruptionMasters of energyMinstrelMist mage
Mystic warriorsMysticsNavigatorNecromancerNecroscope
Nether mageOneiromancersOrder of the crescent moonPatriarch of shirijaPoison brewer
Primate of llothProtector of the earthPsionistsPsychicsSacrificer
SavagerScourgeServant of llothServant of mordulakServant of shirija
Servant of talakhShaman of soilShapeshifterShield masterShields of faith
Silent handSnake masterSorcererStar searcherStreet brawler
Stygian sorcererSummonerSword of talakhSylvan guardSylvan protector
Sylvan scoutSylvan wardSylvan woodlordTalisman magicTelekinetics
TemplarThrusterTiger masterToad masterTraveler
Watchers of the nightWater mageWeather watcherWeaverWind whisperer
WitchWoodsmanZerkala maga